The Naruto Roadshow in Germany

The Licensing Machine - July 2007


"The Licensing Machine", a subsidiary of Panini SpA, invites to their first Naruto Roadshow in Germany as part of the Children and Youth Festivals by Juventus Germany.

The Naruto Roadshow at the 5th Stuttgart Children and Youth Festival last week-end (30th June – 1st July) was only the first of three German promotion events to the successful manga series Naruto. In Germany, Naruto Naruto airs Monday to Friday on RTL2.

About 70,000 visitors came to the festival in Stuttgart, where 60 sports and culture clubs and more than 60 companies presented different activities including arts & crafts, quiz games and sports.

The Naruto tent attracted fans of any age with different activities like memory games, a Japanese workshop and the Naruto, quiz, graffiti on canvas and action toys. All visitors obviously enjoyed entering the world of Naruto. Appealing prizes waited for everyone who joined in: Panini trading Cards, stickers and albums, masks, roadshow t-shirts and many more.

Outside the tent fans had the possibility to learn more about the martial arts of Naruto.

All those interested in Naruto – don’t miss the roadshows in Berlin (12th -15th July) or Bochum (21st /22nd July).

For more information, please contact:

The Licensing Machine – Panini S.p.A. Viale Emilio Po, 380,
41100 Modena - Italy
tel. +39 059 382 111, fax +39 059 382 363