Faces & Names wins C&A for “THE DOME Collection”

m4e - May 2007

“Faces & Names”, a division of the Grünwald brand management and media company m4e, is pleased to announce that it has won C&A as a partner for RTL II’s “THE DOME Collection”.

As part of this agreement, the Düsseldorf clothing retailer will work with Munich TV station RTL II to appeal to a young target group with the C&A brand “Clockhouse @ C&A”.

Their cooperation kicked off with the start of casting for “THE DOME Fashion Star” on 27 April. Casting documents can be downloaded from www.cunda.de and www.thedome.de. The winner will present “THE DOME Collection” at “THE DOME 43” in Hamburg at the end of August. Professional photo shoots and the filming of TV advertisements are also ahead for the fashion star. Launched by the music event in Hamburg, the first of the 72 items in the collection will be available from Clockhouse @ C&A at more than 400 C&A stores.

“Thanks to its role in this event, Clockhouse will be recharged with emotion,” says Thorsten Rolfes, Head of Communications at C&A.
Thomas Kubeile, Division Director of Faces and Names, is also enthusiastic: “We are sure that bringing a highly successful clothing retailer together with Europe’s biggest regular music show will be a complete success. The creative concept for the interaction between music and the latest fashion from Clockhouse works on complementarity, just like the relationship between shoppers at C&A and the RTL II audience.“