Mattel subsidiary company Fisher-Price gets many prices in the U.S.A.

Brandora News (Judith Jakobs) - February 2007

Mattel, Inc. made headlines Saturday night as “T.M.X™ Elmo took home top honors as Toy of the Year at the Toy Industry Association’s annual T.O.T.Y. Awards, held in New York. The innovative Sesame Street® toy was also recognized as Infant/Preschool Toy of the Year. The honors continued as the Kid-Tough™ Digital Camera captured the Electronic Entertainment Toy of the Year.

“We are thrilled with the honors accorded to our products by the members of our industry,” says Neil Friedman, president of Mattel Brands. “Our biggest reward is the smiles we put on children’s faces, and it’s truly special to be honored by our peers who know exactly what it takes to create something unique and magical that children will really love.”

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Tickle Me Elmo, “T.M.X™™ Elmo engages children with three interactive tickle spots for gales of laughter. After more than a year of top-secret planning, the reveal of ““T.M.X™™ Elmo on September 19, 2006, kicked off the holiday shopping season with one of the most exciting and prolific days of sales in the history of the toy industry. Sales volume was stunning, exceeding everyone’s wildest expectations – manufacturer, retailer and consumer. Its effect helped to generate a consumer rush to retail across the board.

The Kid-Tough™ Digital Camera is the first preschool appropriate digital camera that’s tough enough and easy enough for a preschooler to use. A real digital camera with a durable drop-resistant design featuring a color preview screen that allows kids to instantly see the picture they’ve taken and view or delete previous shots. Also features dual handle grips, two-eye viewing and Auto Flash so even the youngest preschoolers can take great pictures.