Preschool Phenomenon Masha and The Bear at Licensing Expo

Licensing International Expo - May 2013

First Russian company to exhibit in the history of the show


As a keystone of the launch of their major international expansion, Animaccord Animation Studios, producers and owners of the massively successful animated brand Masha and The Bear, announced today that the company will exhibit at Licensing Expo in Las Vegas, June 18-20, 2013. Animaccord will launch the Masha and The Bear international licensing program on Booth #R171. It is the first time ever that a Russian company has exhibited at the Expo.

Masha and the Bear animated series, targeted at children aged 3-9 years old, was launched in 2009 and today is amongst the Top 3 preschool brands in Central and Eastern Europe and one of the hottest licensed properties.

As a result of its style and universal humor Masha and The Bear is the first Russian animation brand that speaks to children all over the world. The animated series is currently hugely popular. Every 7-minute high-quality 3D CGI animated episode includes original music and songs and the series is largely played out through action with little dialog making it easy for children around the world to understand.

The animated series was created in the Russia and, to date, the series has been dubbed into German, French, English and Spanish. In the English version, Masha is voiced by Elsie Fischer (Despicable Me) who also sang the Masha songs.

To date, the Masha and The Bear licensing program has more than 100 licensees covering more than 50 product groups. The worldwide licensing program, excluding the US, is handled through Ink Brands, while recently established Animaccord USA Co will be acting as the property’s representative across the United States.

The property is on the way to becoming transcultural, with huge worldwide interest backed up by a long list of broadcasting, DVD and other media agreements with strong International partners. One of the key principles of the brand's mission statement is that partnerships with manufacturers should guarantee high-quality finished products.