Bright children’s eyes make everyone happy: The “Snoopy – Ein Herz für Kinder” Tour 2012

Team! Licensing - November 2012


It’s that time of the year again. From the end of November, just in time for the 2012 Christmas Season, Snoopy will start his third charity tour throughout Germany, bestowing many children with a few cheerful hours. Especially for those who are not always growing up on the sunny side of life. Life-sized, cute and cuddly Snoopy is visiting many social institutions supported by BILD hilft e.V. „Ein Herz für Kinder“ all over Germany.

What kind of experience this is for the little ones, adults can surely understand when they remember their own childhood. Many parents will clearly remember how they once too wished to meet their personal heroes. How exiting that would have been! But in most cases such beloved characters appear in distant amusement parks, way out of reach and for many they are still out of reach nowadays.

In a world dominated by TV, mobile devices and internet, which increasingly also conquering children’s rooms, the experience of something real and touchable is still what deeply moves the heart. This is especially true when the kids receive on top well filled gift bags with nice surprises, all in the sense of the Christmas season, kindly donated by various PEANUTS partners.

Snoopy, the cute, keen and lively Beagle of the PEANUTS gang is an iconic character and as cheerful and bright as his visit should be for the kids, as serious is the motivation behind Snoopy´s and PEANUTS´s engagement for the good cause in order to support BILD hilft e.V. „Ein Herz für Kinder“.

This charity activity started in 2010, the 60th anniversary of the PEANUTS. The PEANUTS, themselves children, reflect the world’s problems. And we all know the world is full of problems.

One of the most renowned and respected charity organizations supporting children in need is BILD hilft e.V. „Ein Herz für Kinder“. Thanks to motivated partners, Snoopy and the PEANUTS were able to collect donations for the good cause in the last years which supported many beneficial projects.

The renowned magazine „Eltern“ („Parents“) actually announces the „Snoopy – Ein Herz für Kinder“ Tour 2012 in light of a sweepstake, the complete tour dates as follows:


Snoopy and „Ein Herz für Kinder“

Dates of the “Snoopy – Ein Herz für Kinder” Tour 2012:

Hannover: Dienstag, der 27.11.2012 Kindertagesstätte Freche Flitzer
Kindertagesstätte Maschseekinder
Ratingen: Mittwoch, der 28.11.2012 Kindergarten Berliner Straße
Leverkusen: Mittwoch, der 28.11.2012 Kita Sandstraße
Frankfurt: Donnerstag, der 29.11.2012 Kita Gangstraße
Mainz: Donnerstag, der 29.11.2012 Tageseinrichtung für Kinder St. Pankratius
Karlsruhe: Freitag, der 30.11.2012 Kita Schalom
Speyer: Freitag, der 30.11.2012 Kindertagestätte Flohkiste
Hamburg: Montag, der 03.12.2012 Kita Dahlemer Ring
Hamburg: Dienstag, der 04.12.2012 Kita Billekids
Schwerin: Mittwoch, der 05.12.2012 Kita Rappelkiste
Dresden: Donnerstag, der 06.12.2012 Kinderkrippe Junghansstraße
Nürnberg: Freitag, der 07.12.2012 Integrativer Kindergarten Regenbogen
AWO Kindergarten Nürbanum
Berlin: Mittwoch, der 12.12.2012 Kita Villa Sternenschiff
Kita Silbersteinstraße
Berlin: Donnerstag, der 13.12.2012 Kita Wutzkyallee
Kita Heiliger Schutzengel