Studio 100 Media's Re-Mastered Classic Heide Finds A Home In Austria

Studio 100 Media - November 2012

Studio 100 Media has signed a license agreement with Austrian public broadcaster ORF for the new classic animation series Heidi (39 x 22’).


The license agreement finalized during MIPCOM 2012 gives ORF exclusive FreeTV rights for the newly re-mastered 3-D/ CGI animation series in Austria and South Tyrol.

Written by Swiss Author Johanna Spyri in 1880 as “Heidi´s Years of Wandering and Learning”, Heidi has become one of the best-selling books ever written and is among the best-known works in Swiss literature, with 50 million books sold and translated into over 50 languages. The Heidi anime-series premiered in 1977 on ZDF in Germany and has since enjoyed continuous TV presence in more than 46 countries. In addition over 4 million DVDs and over 5 million CDs have been sold and in excess of 33 international licenses for merchandising products have been assigned for categories like Consumer Electronics, Food, Home & Living, Personal Care, Promotion, Stationary, Textiles and Toys and Games.

After the acquisition of “Maya The Bee” and “Vicky the Viking” in 2011, ORF is completing the package of the new revised animation 3-D/CGI classic series with the procurement of Heidi.

The popular and iconic animated series will be revived and modernized in 3-D/CGI and will be produced by Studio 100 Animation SAS and Flying Bark Productions.

Heidi is set for delivery at the end of 2014, with Studio 100 Media responsible for the worldwide distribution.

Commenting on the agreement, Dr. Andrea Bogad-Radatz, SVP of Film & Series at ORF said, “With the acquisition of Heidi the classic package is now complete. It’s not just children who love the series but parents and grandparents too who are optimally entertained and who enjoy remembering their childhood. I still think the idea of Studio 100 reviving the heroes of past generations in a contemporary 3-D animation is marvelous. We hereby guarantee the best children’s entertainment series for children and adults for the future”.

Patrick Elmendorff, Managing Director of Studio 100 Media added, “Looking back at our partnership and looking forward to a further successful and continuing co-operation, we are proud to once again join forces with ORF and are delighted that Heidi has joined Maya and Vicky and found a new home at ORF.”