Seminar: “The best of both worlds: Publishing meets merchandising” at the Frankfurt Book Fair

Frankfurter Buchmesse - September 2012

The programme for the Frankfurt Book Fair Licensing-Day Seminar on Friday, October 12, is now complete:
Register now – and profit from BRANDORA’s special 20 per cent discount offer (discount code: ML12_Partner_Litag).

Here is the programme:

14.30–14.45: Introduction
Speaker/Moderator: Kelvyn Gardner, Managing Director, LIMA UK

14.45–15.30: All right(s): Legal basics for drafting contracts
Presentation followed by Q&A
Speaker: Dr. Ursula Feindor-Schmidt, attorney specialised in copyright and media law, partner at Lausen Rechtsanwälte (Munich)

15.30–15.45: Coffee break

15.45–16.45: Behind the scenes: The secrets of three success stories:
The international success of “Le petit Prince”
A brief history on “Le petit Prince”; its franchise and international success. This session will outline the past, present and future strategies for expanding the international value of this franchise.
Speaker: Olivier d’Agay, Director of the Saint Exupéry-d’Agay Estate

Licensing and publishing: Why to license themes and how does it actually work?
What is the benefit for a publisher to license a themed product range and how does the collaboration between licensor, licensing agency and licensee actually works? A licensing expert from an international publishing house gives his insights on how to find a matching property and how to launch publications successfully with it.
Speaker: Emma Cairns Smith, Licence Acquisition Director, Egmont UK

Brand Extension: Marketing the cult band The Beatles
A brand extension specialist explains the differences between character and brand licensing, and the opportunities for publishers to think of brands as book themes. Additionally, by using The Beatles as an example, he explains the way a licensing agency works: from the licensing strategy, to the licensee acquisition, to the product development, to the product launch.
Speaker: Paolo Lucci, Owner Lucci TM, Milan

16.45–17.30: Closing panel: What makes property successful?
How can you recognise a potentially successful licensing theme, and what’s the best way to translate it into an actual product line? What are the rules for collaborating with licensing agencies and what can they do for publishers? What are the essential do’s and don’ts? Speakers will exchange their experiences, followed by an open discussion.
Speakers: Olivier d’Agay, Director of the Saint Exupéry-d’Agay Estate; Emma Cairns Smith, Licence Acquisition Director, Egmont UK; Paolo Lucci, Owner Lucci TM, Milan.
Moderator: Kelvyn Gardner, Managing Director, LIMA UK

Further information
On the seminar:
Irina Kessler, Frankfurter Buchmesse, t +49 (0) 69 2102-175, f +49 (0) 69 2102-46175, e
On Licensing Day:
Caroline Vogel, Frankfurter Buchmesse, t +49 (0) 69 2102-164, f +49 (0) 69 2102-46164, e