Award-winning fun games with Raven Schnabelgrün

Noris-Spiele - November 2014

Award-winning games under the Christmas tree

Children’s games and family games take top ranks on kids’ wish lists for Christmas. The product range around Raven Schnabelgrün provides award-winning fun games: The hilarious raven has been able to wow the jury of the Wiener Spiele Akademie even twice.

For the 14th time the Wiener Spiele Akademie presented the coveted Austrian Games Awards. Every year, one game wins the title "Spiel der Spiele” (Game of Games) and eleven other games receive the “Spiele Hits” awards in six categories (For Experts, With Friends, For Families, For Children, For Many, For Two).

This year, the game “Die verrückte Vogelscheuche” by Noris Spiele came out on top in the category “Spiele Hits für Kinder”. “Spiele Hits für Kinder” awards educational games and games that are particularly suitable for children. Grown-ups can, but never have to join the games. However, children will mostly enjoy it.


The hilarious family game “Die verrückte Vogelscheuche” by Noris is an amazingly diversified game for the whole family – suitable for two to four players aged 4+. The game guarantees afternoons of fun and entertainment and comes with a simple version and a more sophisticated variant for older children. Together with the children the magical raven Schnabelgrün hops from one bale of straw to the other and hides kernels and grains. If you are able to memorize under which bale the precious grains lay hidden you just have to make it past the crazy scarecrow – and beware of the rotten grains! Aim of the game is to collect as many grains as possible. Die verrückte Vogelscheuche is an easy-to-learn and entertaining game with high-class wooden figurines that promotes quick reactions and the power of concentration.

The special prize “Spiel der Spiele 2014 – Sonderpreis Kleinkinderspiele” went to Raven Schnabelgrün, too. To be precise, the award went to the imaginative game of dexterity “Raben stapeln” by the creative workshop of Drei Hasen in der Abendsonne Company. This prize awards games that stand out due to special achievements.

The wonderful balance and stacking game “Raben stapeln” by Drei Hasen in der Abendsonne is suited for little, not-so-little and grown-up builders aged 3+. Build incredible acrobatics with Schnabelgrün and the beautiful magic stars. The game comes with a booklet of instructions. Try to copy the patterns – alone or together with friends – or construct your own artwork. There are no limits to imagination. In Rabelino-Stapelino everyone helps to build a gigantic stack of ravens, stars and disks. If you are able to use up all blocks, you win! For another variant players challenge each other with colour dices – try it, try it …and be amazed! Unlimited possibilities to play with beautiful materials and high-class wooden figurines make this game fun of a special kind!